Manual linear translation stages are designed to provide precise, high-resolution travel over any combination of the three linear degrees of freedom. More importantly, however, they constrain any form of movement in the other angular or linear degrees of freedom: pitch, yaw, roll, as well as x, y, or z-axis translation. Available with various materials and guide methods depending on requirements such as thickness, stiffness, accuracy, resolution and weight.
They are frequently used in applications such as microscopy, metrology, optical fiber alignment, optical delay lines, interferometry, or wherever exact linear position is required. Industries that utilize linear stages include research, bio-medical, life sciences, astronomy, metrology, semiconductor, and more. We offer the largest selection of linear translation stages to meet virtually any application. For example, we have the most bearing options of any manufacturer, including EXC™ precision bearing, ball bearing, crossed-roller bearing, linear bearing, and dovetail bearing. Additionally, they are available in materials ranging from brass, aluminum, tool steel and stainless steel.
Demo and loans available please contact us to find out more.
For more information please see our blog “Manual Stages Guide“.