Laser 2000


Moku:Pro is a fully-reconfigurable, multi-instrument test and measurement platform that’s suitable for the most demanding research and engineering applications.

Liquid Instruments

Moku:Pro – The most powerful platform for your research and engineering applications

    • Performance and flexibility
    • Multiple instruments in one integrated platform – use up to four at once!
    • Future-proof your lab with the reconfigurable FPGA
    • Ultimate lab freedom
Moku:Pro meets demanding R&D requirements with high channel density, extensive customization options, and 600 MHz bandwidth in a rack-mountable format.
Multiple instruments in a single platform
Consolidate old racks and stacks into one piece of powerful equipment that provides the instruments you need to optimize design and test. As the software evolves, you get instant access to valuable new features sent directly to your Moku device — with no new hardware required.

Moku:Pro instruments

Specification Overview:

Please find the series specs tab for more detail on the specifications. Moku:Pro specs  

Some of the key features:

High speed, high bandwidth, low noise
Our FPGA algorithms automatically and intelligently blend the high-speed and low-speed signals from the 10-bit and 18-bit ADCs to optimise noise performance across the entire frequency range. Rather than simply focusing on minimising overall noise, the filtering network preserves a unity-gain frequency response for the signal. By utilising this unique blending scheme, Moku:Pro allows seamless measurements with an optimal SNR across all Fourier frequencies, even for weak-signal applications. moku:pro-input-voltage-noise
Enhanced disturbance rejection
Moku:Pro reduces the need for manual processes and physical adjustments, meaning you can spend more time on your experiment, not your experiment setup. The Laser Lock Box allows you to quickly and efficiently stabilise laser frequencies. By combining the Laser Lock Box and Frequency Response Analyzer in Multi-instrument Mode, you can fully characterize your test setup and loop performance.  
Streamline research and development
With Multi-instrument Mode, you’re not limited to a single instrument. Daisy chain instruments together to build sophisticated signal processing pipelines and hot-swap instruments in and out without interrupting those running in tandem. In highly experimental labs, Moku:Pro enables researchers to customize their test systems according to the experiment. mokupro-lia-intuitive-software-and-API-integration-1  
Moku Cloud Compile
A cloud-based tool which allows you to implement custom triggering or digital signal processing with your own VHDL code. It is compatible with multi-instrument mode, meaning your coded solutions seamlessly integrate into the intuitive UI and pre-existing Moku instruments, which makes implementation a simple task.  

Build-your-own, Full-suite, Upgrade you current Moku:Pro

Analog I/O
Analogue Inputs
Channels 4
Bandwidth 600 MHz (up to 2 channels)
300 MHz (up to 4 channels)
Sampling rate 5 GSa/s (1 channel)
1.25 GSa/s (4 channels)
Resolution 10-bit and 18-bit ADCs with automatic blending
Maximum voltage range 40 Vpp
Input impedance 50 Ω or 1 MΩ
Input coupling AC or DC
AC coupling corner 16 kHz into 50 Ω
1.6 Hz into 1 MΩ
Input voltage noise 30 nV√Hz at 100 Hz
Input referred noise 500 μV RMS
Analogue Outputs
Channels 4
Bandwidth 500 MHz (± 1 V)
100 MHz (± 5 V)
Sampling rate 1.25 GSa/s
Resolution 16-bit
Voltage Range 10 Vpp into 50 Ω
Output impedance 50 Ω
Output coupling DC


Features & Accessories
User Interface iPad App
Windows and Mac Apps
Programming Environment Python
Additional Ports Ethernet
10 MHz reference clock in and out


External trigger input
External trigger
Trigger waveform TTL compatible
Trigger bandwidth DC to 5 MHz
Trigger impedance Hi-Z
Min trigger level 1.8 V
Max trigger level 5 V
Connector BNC


Clock reference
On-board clock
Frequency 10 MHz
Stability < 300 ppb
10 MHz reference input
Expected waveforms Sine / square
Frequency 10 MHz ± 20 kHz
Input range -6 dBm to +10 dBm
Connector BNC
10 MHz reference output
Waveform type Square
Output frequency 10 MHz
Output level 6 dBm
Connector BNC

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1.7 lb / 750 g 3.5 lb / 1.6 kg 14.77 lb / 6.7 kg
Analog Inputs
Two 12-bit, 125 MSa/s input channels

30 MHz analog bandwidth

AC or DC coupling with 1 MΩ impedance

Input range up to ± 25 V

Two 12-bit, 500 MSa/s input channels

200 MHz analog bandwidth

AC or DC coupling with 50 Ω / 1 MΩ switchable impedance

Input range ±5 V

Four 10+18-bit, 5 GSa/s input channels

600 MHz analog bandwidth

AC or DC coupling with 50 Ω / 1 MΩ switchable impedance

Input range up to ±20 V

Analog Outputs
Two 12-bit, 125 MSa/s output channels

20 MHz analog bandwidth

± 5 V maximum output range

Two 16-bit, 1 GSa/s output channels

300 MHz analog bandwidth

±1 V into 50 Ω output range

Four 16-bit, 1.25 GSa/s output channels

500 MHz analog bandwidth

± 5 V into 50 Ω output range

Digital I/O
16-channel DIO at 125 MSa/s

Supports 3.3 V logic (5 V tolerant)

Dedicated TTL trigger port Dedicated TTL trigger port
Programmable Power Supply
Up to four channels N/A N/A
Multi-instrument Mode
2 instruments simultaneously N/A 4 instruments simultaneously
Software & Utilities
Windows, MacOS App

API support for Python, MATLAB, and LabVIEW

MathWorks Live Scripting

iOS App

Windows App

API support for Python, MATLAB, and LabVIEW

iOS App

Windows, MacOS App

API support for Python, MATLAB, and LabVIEW

Additional Ports

Magnetic Power Port

Optional Ethernet Port

Kensington Lock Port

USB Mini B

SD Card Slot

Ethernet Port

Kensington Lock Port


10 MHz reference clock in and out

Ethernet Port

Available Instruments

Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Data Logger

Digital Filter Box

Frequency Response Analyser

Laser Lock Box

Lock-in Amplifier



PID Controller

Spectrum Analyser

Waveform Generator

FIR Filter Builder

Logic Analyser

Time & Frequency Analyser

Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Data Logger

Digital Filter Box

Frequency Response Analyser

Laser Lock Box

Lock-in Amplifier



PID Controller

Spectrum Analyser

Waveform Generator

FIR Filter Builder

Logic Analyser

Time & Frequency Analyser

Arbitrary Waveform Generator

Data Logger

Digital Filter Box

Frequency Response Analyser

Laser Lock Box

Lock-in Amplifier



PID Controller

Spectrum Analyser

Waveform Generator

FIR Filter Builder

Logic Analyser

Time & Frequency Analyser

Moku:Pro Datasheet
Moku:Pro In Depth Specifications

Request a Demo


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Alternatively, just call +44 (0) 1933 461 666 and ask to speak to the Photonics team.