Products | | |
| | P1D01 from laservision provides a DI LB4 protection level for 5400nm and 9000-11500nm. The colorless filter material features a 90% VLT and is customised available up to a size of 3000x2000mm. |
| | P1E12 filter is a standard window for UV lasers, blue and green laser wavelengths up to 540nm and offers an OD 10+ from 180 - 525nm and an OD8+ at 532nm. |
| | The laser safety window type P1E13 is a red-orange absorbing laser protection filter without additional reflective coating. The protection is based on absorption of the laser light within the bulk material. The laser safety filter has a daylight transmission of approx. 21%. |
| | The laser protection window type P1H09 consists of a dark green, absorbent plastic, on a particularly laser-resistant PMMA basis. The laser protection is based on absorption of the laser radiation in the material itself. The laser protection window has a daylight transmission of approx. 18%. |
| | The plastic laser safety window P1L03 from laservision is a standard window for multiple frequent NIR-laser systems in the UV-, VIS (532nm) and the NIR (800-1070nm) area. The red-brown filter material features 26% VLT and is user specific available up to sizes 1219x915mm. |
| | The laser safety window type P1N01 is an orange absorbing laser protection filter without additional reflective coating. The protection is based on absorption of the laser light within the bulk material. The laser safety filter has a daylight transmission of approx. 38%. |
| | P1P10 is especially suitable against disc- and fiber lasers with an OD8+ at 1,030-1,400nm (D LB7 + IRM LB8) and against 960nm laser diodes and Nd:YAG lasers. There is also an additional alignment protection between 635 and 690nm. |
| | The laser safety window P1P21 consists of a light gold-coloured, absorbing plastic with a scratch-resistant coating and a thickness of 3-3.2mm. The window has a daylight transmission of approx. 50% and therefore a very good visual brightness and good colour recognition. |
| | The laser protection filter T1K03 is especially suitable for IR lasers starting from 950nm up to 1400nm. Additionally it protects against Er:YAG and CO2 lasers and in the whole range between 1400 and 2800nm. |
| | T1Q03 is a light green absorbing mineral glass filter without additional coating. The Laservision filter Type T1Q03 has a daylight transmission of approx. 45% and good colour recognition. The laser protection filter T1Q03 is especially suitable for laser protection in the range between 750nm up to 1064nm and at 10600nm. |