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650 – 1300 nm Semrock® General Purpose Mirror

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Semrock’s General Purpose Mirrors offer high reflectivity with an ‘Imaging flat’ reflection.


Note on spectral plots:
In the past, each shipment has included a spectral plot for every filter and every lot code in the shipment. In an effort to be more eco-friendly, we will no longer be including these plots with each shipment. If you require spectral plot data, please see here for more information.



Angle of Incidence

45.0 ± 1.5 °

Clear Aperture

≥ 80% (elliptical)

Flatness / RWE Classification


Optical Damage Rating

Testing has proven to show no signs of degradation when exposed to at least 6.0 W of power from an unfiltered xenon arc lamp over a 25 mm diameter (corresponding to 1.2 W/cm2) for over 500 hrs.

Product Type

General Purpose Mirror

Reflected Wavefront Error

< 2λ P-V RWE @ 632.8

Reflection Band

R > 98% 650 – 1300 nm

Reflection Band, p-pol

R > 96% 650 – 1300 nm

Reflection Band, s-pol

R > 99.5% 650 – 1300 nm

Semrock Filter Family

Semrock® General Purpose Mirrors


25.2 x 35.6 x 1.1 mm

Substrate Type

low-autofluorescence optical quality glass

Surface Quality (Scratch-Dig)


Transverse Dimensions, LxW

25.2 mm x 35.6 mm

Transverse Tolerance, Mounted

± 0.1 mm

Semrock Spectral Plot Info

* Time Limited Offer  |  Terms & Conditions Apply  |   Contact us for Further Details


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