Laser 2000

Laser 2000 Customer Survey

You can respond anonymously, or complete your details by 31st May 2022 to enter the draw.
For the winner we will donate £250 to a charity of your choice.

Thank you for completing our survey – your responses were submitted successfully.

What's New?

We’ve recently refreshed our website, and we hope that you will find the changes to be a big improvement. We’ve worked hard to make it easier to navigate the site, and to find exactly what you need from among our vast and diverse range of products.

Missing e-commerce?

One thing that we’ve not carried over from the previous site at this time is the facility to order online for a select range of our products, which you may have been used to in the past. “Off-the-shelf” items represent a small part of our product range; most often a purchase requires a more in-depth discussion between our sales team and the customer to match the right product to the user’s application. For this reason we have focussed on making it as easy as possible to contact our sales team to request a quotation.

Please rest assured that we will get back to you with pricing promptly, and will work with you to make sure the products you buy are exactly what you need. Once you’re ready to order, our sales team will work through the process with you, to make it as seamless as possible.

If you have any other questions in the meantime, please get in touch directly.