Laser 2000

Blue Lasers revolutionise how to weld copper and other metals

This blog explores the brand new and revolutionary NUBURU high power blue direct diode laser system. Identifying its advancements in copper welding and materials processing.
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A high-power blue direct-diode laser system for metal processing with high efficiency and low excess heat.

NUBURU brought the first high power blue laser to market, the AO-150. Industry watchers recognised the game-changing performance advantages: the AO-150 received Laser Focus World’s highest award, the Platinum Innovator’s Award, and was one of three products to receive recognition in the Materials Processing category of the prestigious SPIE/Photonics Media Prism Awards.

Now NUBURU extends the capability of blue laser applications to entirely new fields with the release of the AO-500, their 500-Watt 450-nm industrial laser. High power industrial lasers have been available for decades, but their utility has been limited by the fundamental interaction physics of light and matter. Infrared light is poorly absorbed by many metals and other common materials. In contrast, blue light is absorbed as much as 20 times more strongly. The AO-150 has already shown the effect of this physical advantage, demonstrating both increased speed and improved quality of, for example, copper welds.

Early adopters are already incorporating blue lasers into their process flow, where faster and higher quality copper welding brings impressive productivity improvements. “Our second product, the AO-500, is the highest power blue laser in the industry,” said NUBURU CEO Mark Zediker, “offering over three times the power of the successful AO-150.” During 2018, NUBURU has been qualifying the AO-500 with several industrial partners, in applications moving beyond battery fabrication to the production of automotive components, e-mobility devices, and electronic packaging. “The AO-500’s higher power opens up new applications with thicker copper and other yellow metals,” according to NUBURU’s Co-Founder Jean-Michel Pelaprat. “It can even solve the notoriously difficult challenge of welding dissimilar materials”.

NUBURU launched the AO-500 at the PHOTONIX Show and Conference in Japan in December, 2018. They will be showcasing the new laser’s capabilities at Photonics West in San Francisco from February 2 through 7, at the Laser World of Photonics China Conference (March 22-24), and the Laser World of Photonics Europe Show in Munich from June 24 to 27.

You can view this 2 minute video which gives an explanation about the technology and how the products work:


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If you have any questions about the technology and/or would like to chat about pricing, please contact us here:


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