Learn about labelling and instruction manual requirements
The new PPE regulation 2016/425
Laser 2000 and laservision are committed to comply with the best possible care and support required by all laser users in the UK. For us, “protecting people” not only means to meet standards and norms, but also the expectation of customers regarding services, consultation and processes as well as the latest product technologies.
On April 21st 2018 the validity of current EC-PPE directive RL 89/686 expired and the new VO2016/425 PPE regulation came into force, which manufacturers had to comform to by April 2019. This mandatory rule is valid in all EC countries.
The new regulation requires the following to be observed and included with the PPE product or made available to the user:
- EU Declaration of Conformity in all required national languages (as a supplement to the product or as download via an Internet address specified in the instructions for use).
- Instruction manual requirements:
- The font size of the manual should be a minimum size of 9Pt and in all EU languages of the member states; laservision displays a total of 28 languages.
- With all the important information on the use of PPE:
- Use and care instructions
- Description of the risks that the product protects against
- As well as indications of restrictions that may arise just by wearing the PPE
- Notes on the life and storage period
Labeling Requirements:
- Laser protection filters must be marked with the indication of the daylight transmittance (VLT) in %
- The complete address of the responsible distributor or manufacturer
- The date of manufacture and / or expiry in the form of a factory symbol indicating the month and year of manufacture (mm / yyyy)
- The CE mark in prescribed size and shape

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