Laser 2000

Beam Attenuation

Beam Attenuation

A variety of beam attenuation accessories are available. Please select which products you require by indicating quantities below, or read more about the options available, further down the page.

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Beam Attenuation

Accessories for Beam Attenuation


Polarisation Preserving Beam Sampler

High power beam sampler with SM1 threads, dual wedges, polarisation insensitive.

The Polarisation Preserving Beam Sampler (PPBS) uses a dual wedge design to sample a small percentage of a beam’s power for laser beam profiling applications. The PPBS samples the reflections from two orthogonal wedge windows to safely reduce the power of high intensity light while preserving the original polarisation of the input beam and eliminating the effects of multiple reflections from each air-glass interface.

Wedge options

  • UV-FS: 190 nm – 2200 nm
  • BaF2: 200 nm – 11 µm
  • CaF2: 200 nm – 8 µm
  • ZnSe: 600 nm – 16 µm


  • High damage threshold
  • Clear aperture: 17.5 mm
  • Sampled percentage: 0.02%-3.75% (model and wavelength dependent)
  • Available BeamTrap for beams to 50 W (higher powers possible with custom residual beam handling)
  • Available post mount kit

* Requires BeamTrap, sold separately



Compact Beam Sampler

Reflective, compact beam sampler with C-mount threads, to 200 W*

Reflective attenuator – 0.01% Transmission, to 200 W incident power. The user accepts complete responsibility for laser safety in handling the > 99% of the incident beam which is reflected from the front surface of the CBS.


  • Sampled percentage: 0.01%
  • Available BeamTrap for beams to 50 W
  • Available post mount kit

* Requires suitable beam trap




Beam trap to 50 W, 19 mm aperture



ND / MagND Filters

ND (Neutral Density) filters for use with most WinCamD and BladeCam2 beam profiling cameras. Includes caps with alignment targets.

Filters are mounted at 3° to axis. ND value specified at 675 nm. See charts for ND filter transmission curves.

Choose from:


  • Single filter in C-mount threaded, stackable holder.
  • Set of 3 ND filters (ND 1, 2, 3) in C-mount threaded, stackable holders.
  • Set of 6 ND filters (ND 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in C-mount threaded, stackable holders.



  • Single 1″ filter in stackable, magnetic holder.
  • Set of 3 1″ ND filters (ND 1, 2, 3) in stackable, magnetic holders.
  • Set of 6 1″ ND filters (ND 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) in stackable, magnetic holders.



Long Pass Filter (1350 nm)

Long pass filter in C-mount threaded, stackable holder for use with WinCamD, BladeCam, and TaperCamD-UCD12 cameras. Includes cap with alignment target. Will not fit TaperCamD20-15-UCD23 cameras. Filter is mounted at 3° to axis. Blocks wavelengths below 1290 nm. Allows camera use at 1290 to 1350 nm. See charts for filter transmission curves.



Variable Attenuator

Switched filter variable attenuator, 4×4 position wheels, 93 dB optical dynamic range, 350 to 2200 nm.

Maximum: 1 W/cm², 100 mJ/cm².

Polarization Preserving Beam Sampler
Wedge material options UV-FS
Damage Threshold See Damage Threshold App Note
Clear aperture (mm) 17.5
Wavelength range UV-FS: 190 nm – 2200 nm
BaF2: 200 nm – 11 µm
CaF2: 200 nm – 8 µm
ZnSe: 600 nm – 16 µm
Sampled percentage 0.02%-3.75% (model and wavelength dependent)
Optical path length 50 mm
Available options BeamTrap for beams to 50 W
Adjustable post mount kit

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Beam Attenuation

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