Start Your Quantum Journey Today
Explore, educate, and empower the workforce of tomorrow with the desqtopMOT cold atom platform
What can I do with the desqtopMOT?
Gain hands-on experience with atomic physics – from light-matter interaction and atom fluorescence to revealing the energy levels of rubidium atoms through spectroscopy.
The desqtopMOT exposes students to real cold atom quantum hardware and builds up a student’s knowledge of cold atom physics to the point of actually creating a magneto-optical trap (MOT) cloud of atoms. After that, users will characterise the size and temperature of the Rb MOT and explore the unique physical properties of cold atoms.
- Basics of atomic physics
- Spectroscopy
- Light-matter interaction
- Practical geometrical optics (laser beam delivery and diagnostics)
- Light polarisation
- Absorption spectroscopy
- Doppler broadening
- Laser trapping and cooling
- Zeeman effect
- Faraday rotation
- Experimental analysis
- Error estimation
- Technical report writing

Who is desqtopMOT for?
- 4-year colleges and Master’s programs wanting a turn-key lab course solution
- Quantum Centres for Doctoral Training
- Quantum and AMOP Physics Degree and Masters Programs wanting a turn-key lab course solution
- Commercial companies and defence primes that need to accelerate their position in cold atom quantum technology – first through ready-out-of-the-box training, then as an early quantum applications development platform
The desqtopMOT offers students an immersive experience, guiding them through a comprehensive journey that starts with understanding the basic theory of using laser light and magnetic fields to create atomic samples.
With just a touch of a button, students can explore the practical steps involved in conducting quantum experiments.
Serving as a practical quantum platform, it empowers students to become comfortable and confident in creating and controlling cold atoms.
The desqtopMOT is a starting point for students to explore commercial applications, such as atom-based timekeeping, sensing, and computing.
User-friendly all-in-one cold atom platform
The desqtopMOT is the world’s first and only commercially available platform that offers users the following:
- Vacuum system
- Atom source (Rb)
- Beam delivery optics and breadboard
- Stabilised laser system, including all control electronics
- Reference spectroscopy cell
- Comprehensive teaching curriculum
- Delivered as a complete standalone system, the desqtopMOT can be installed and operational in hours.
Built around the award-winning miniMOT V2, the desqtopMOT offers two levels of learning:
Base Model
Start your quantum journey today
- Atomic physics
- Experiments with thermal atoms
- Doppler-free spectroscopy
- Laser cooling atoms and MOT creation
- 5-chapter curriculum with 8 experiments
Advanced Model
Taking cold atoms to the next level
- All Base Model features
- Advanced optics and measurement tools
- GUI via Jupyter Notebook
- Programmable laser tunability
- Expanded curriculum with 5 new experiments, including EIT and Faraday rotation

Upgrade your Experience
Expanding from the Base to the Advanced platform is straightforward as your expertise grows. With a modular design, upgrading the desqtopMOT laser hardware enables access to advanced experiments involving cold atom MOTs and expands the teaching curriculum to cover 13 total experiments.* Base model available autumn 2024.
* As of January 10th, 2024
Why cold atoms?
What is an MOT?
An MOT uses lasers to cool atoms and specially configured magnetic fields in a Nobel Prize-winning technique to create a trap to form an ensemble of atoms. Due to its floating boundary-less appearance, this is often called a “cloud” of atoms.

What can MOTs do?
MOTs are ideal for educators, researchers, and quantum engineers to probe fundamental quantum effects using cold atoms and explore new atom-sensing applications.