Laser 2000

Microscopy Systems

Laser 2000 offers a range of various microscope systems.
Product Categories

Laser 2000 offers a range of microscope systems.

Please get in touch for more information on any of the products found below.

Fluorescence Microscopes

PicoQuant offers different solutions for time-resolved confocal microscopy. The available systems include single molecule sensitive microscopes with picosecond temporal resolution and super-resolution imaging capabilities as well as upgrade kits for laser scanning microscopes of all major manufacturers that enable time-resolved applications.

Upright Modular Motorised Microscope Platform

We offer Zaber’s MSR motorized inverted microscope which is designed to lower the barriers to automated microscopy. Combining Zaber precision motion control and world-class optics, MSR microscopes deliver unparalleled performance and value.

Inverted Modular Motorised Microscope Platform

We offer Zaber’s MVR motorized inverted microscope platform which is designed to lower the barriers to automated microscopy. Combining Zaber precision motion control and world-class optics, the MVR microscope platform deliver unparalleled performance and value.

Confocal Microscopes

Luminosa pairs highest data quality with remarkably simple day-to-day operation. It easily integrates into any researcher’s toolbox and becomes a time-efficient, reliable companion for scientists starting to explore the use of time-resolved fluorescence methodologies as well as for experts wanting to push the limits. Truly a microscopy system that everybody can rely on.

QCL-IR Wide-field Microscope

Laser 2000 works in partnership with DRS Saylight Solutions to offer the best IR hyperspectral imaging microscopes.

Fast hyperspectral scan speeds (>7 M spectral points per second) allow live video-rate IR imaging which enables the visualisation of the distribution of compounds or crystallisation processes. With easy-to-use ChemVision software included, multiple file formats are available which integrate into standard chemometric software packages.


Ask the Expert

For over 30 years, Laser 2000 has supplied fibre optic equipment and worked with global partners like VIAVI Solutions, US Conec and INNO Instrument.

For more information on our fibre optic technology and our wide range of products, please visit our Laser 2000 Networks website, or get in touch with our specialist through the form below.

Alternatively, just call +44 (0) 1933 461 666 and ask to speak to Peter.

Peter Collins

Peter Collins

BSc (Hons)