Laser 2000


Cutting-edge photonics industries are always evolving.
Keep up to date with Laser 2000.



Scattered Light: How to Mitigate its Effects in Microscopy

Explore the primary causes of scattered light in microscopy, delve into why it is detrimental to the pursuit of clear and precise images, and learn effective strategies to mitigate its effects.

The Power of Modular Microscope Platforms: A Game Changer in Life Sciences

Microscopes are essential instruments in the field of life sciences, enabling researchers to explore the intricate world of cells, tissues, and microorganisms.

How has SPARK LASERS helped simplify the open-source Mini2P miniature two-photon microscope?

Mini2P two-photon microscope with SPARK LASERS ALCOR 920 laser.


Airborne X-Cavity Tunable Diode Laser

Explore the many applications of the Airborne X-cavity Tunable Diode Laser, from optical cooling to Bose-Einstein Condensation.

NASA – Structured Light-based Hazard Detection For Planetary Surface Navigation

Written by NASA, this article explains the usage of Osela’s multi dot laser projector for planetary navigation.

Overview of emerging Quantum Cascade Lasers applications

Mid-infrared lasers are providing game-changing solutions to molecular spectroscopy, detection, and imaging in scientific research; the life sciences; defence and security; and process control. This blog details 15 emerging applications utilising tunable Quantum Cascade Lasers from DRS Daylight Solutions in the fields of Materials Science; Bio-Tissue Analysis; Biophysical characterisation and Stand-Off Detection.

Laser Safety

New Laser Safety PPE Regulations

Does your old eyewear need checking or replacing? Since the final deadline for adoption of EU regulation 216/425 passed in April, all manufacturers must now adhere to the new rules, and if you have laser safety eyewear dating from before 2018 it is important that you ensure it is still safe to use.

NEW Laser safety goggle with quick release system (QCS)

Explore the basis of laser safety and certifications, make sure your laser eye wear is up to scratch and the correct. Learn more about the frames, and laser safety calculation form.

Laser Safety for High Power Blue Lasers

Laser safety is one of our top priorities and is vital for every component we provide. With the latest advancements in laser technology also arises the advancements in laser safety, blue laser requires a laser safety window with a larger range of protection. Thus introducing the P1P16 window with a gold-coloured, absorbent plastic, scratch-resistant coating and a thickness of 6mm.

Laser Safety Barriers – Roll-up barrier setup [VIDEO]

Having a roll up laser safety barrier is a must have addition to your laboratory environment and setting up laser safety roll-up barriers has never been easier. Thanks to laser vision’s innovative design you can now set up laser safety barriers with this easy 7 step guide.

Laser Safety – The 3 most important specs to consider when purchasing filters

Our laser filters have a wide range of specification for your perfect set up. However there are 3 primary specifications that are crucial for any filters success. These include Optical density, Daylight transmission and Colour vision.

Laser Safety – New 2016/425 PPE Regulations

Keeping up to date with your laser safety regulations is extremely important for protection.
Check the new regulations and certifications to see if you need a new and updated product.

Light Delivery & Control

Laser 2000, your partner for optical components

Our deep knowledge of the industry is what adds value to working with Laser 2000. We maintain very close relationships with our manufacturers, and systematically check to make sure that they meet our exacting standards. Although many of the manufacturers we deal with are based outside of the UK, we know them personally so that when their support is needed, we and your project are not just a number for them.

Polarisation and Phase Manipulation with Retarders (or waveplates)

Find out all you need to know about retarder (waveplate) principles, types, materials and how to practically use them in your experiments.

Understanding the jargon of LCOS Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs)

Written by our SLM specialist, Peter Collins, this blog post is aimed to help you understand the fundamentals for specifying a new SLM and will focus mainly on Parallel Aligned Nematic devices. Exploring how LCOS Spatial Light Modulators work and the typical optical set up. Furthermore taking a in-depth view into the specifications including, Resolution, Frame rate and Precision.

Spatial Light Modulator Applications

This blog is dedicated to the large range of applications that LCOS SLMS provide and goes into more detail on a select few, providing overviews and requirements for each.


Scattered Light: How to Mitigate its Effects in Microscopy

Explore the primary causes of scattered light in microscopy, delve into why it is detrimental to the pursuit of clear and precise images, and learn effective strategies to mitigate its effects.

The Power of Modular Microscope Platforms: A Game Changer in Life Sciences

Microscopes are essential instruments in the field of life sciences, enabling researchers to explore the intricate world of cells, tissues, and microorganisms.

Image Stitching for Microscope Applications using µManager

By Albert David, Zaber Applications Engineering Team and Mike Fussell, Zaber Marketing Team
26th January, 2018

How has SPARK LASERS helped simplify the open-source Mini2P miniature two-photon microscope?

Mini2P two-photon microscope with SPARK LASERS ALCOR 920 laser.

KolaDeep™ Spectral Measurement System: Measure Deeper Blocking

New fluorescence-based life science and biomedical instrumentation increasingly requires high-performance optical filters with very high blocking (OD) and steep spectral edges that transition between high transmission and high OD.

Maximise Fluorescence Performance with the Avant™ Filter Set Family

Avant delivers significant increases in fluorescence signal for specific, popular short Stokes Shift fluorophores.

Semrock Verona Filters Increase Raman Performance

The new Verona filter from Semrock – designed and optimised for Raman applications.

Do you lack accurate spectral tools to design your fluorescence detection instrumentation?

SearchLight™ is Semrock's free, online spectral plotting and analysis tool that allows fluorescence microscope users and optical instrument designers to model and evaluate the spectral performance of fluorophores, filter sets, light sources, and detectors as components of an overall system.

Cleaning Optical Filters

Learn how to properly clean, maintain and manage your Semrock optical filters. Watch this 2 minute video demonstrating the optimal cleaning process. This is an important step to get the most out of your experiments and prevent dust from proving false positives to your results.

Fighting Cancer

Explore the technology that allows IR-Hyperspectral Microscope to provide Label-Free Digital Pathology to fight cancer.

niji LED Light Engine FAQs

Have questions about the niji light engine? This blog discusses the most frequency asked questions for our light engine product, from optimization and lifetime to costs and sustainability.

Fluorescence Microscopy Light Source: LEDs vs Bulbs

Written by our fluorescence microscopy specialist, Karen McGeachy. This blog compares the power of varying light sources including, LED’S, Mercury lamps and Metal halide. By evaulating the benefits of each product and weighting with the cost to manufacture , implement and maintain, a clear comparison can be made for which light source is most efficient.

Burnt out filter for fluorescence microscopy

Metal halide lamps can cause the burning out effect for your fluorescence microscopy filters. Thus it is extremely important to understand how to deal and clean with this effect. This blog highlights the challenges and solutions you will face when cleaning your filters, including the correct testing operations after the clean.

How to Clean Semrock Optical Filters

Maintaining the quality and health of your Semrock filters is incredibly important for accurate and repeatable results in your experiments. Understand how to properly clean them optimizes these results and ensures you always get the best quality filters. This short but effective guide talks you through the process.

Tilted Light Sheet with DHO PSF Engineering for 3D Whole Cell and Sub-Cellular Super-Resolution Imaging

Sub Cellular super resolution imaging is incredibly difficult to achieve with light microscopy. This blog explores the light sheet or selective plane illumination microscopy to tackle this challenge.

Bringing dual channel multicolour 3D nanoscale images to your setup with Double Helix Optics

Written by Karen McGeachy and Double Helix Optics, this blog aims to give you an overview of our SPINDLE and SPINDLE2 modules and how it can aid you in your imaging applications. Learn more about the processes of point spread functions and the wide range of applications the double helix light technology brings.

Nanoscopy for less than £100k?

Written by our team leader Peter Collins, this blogs explores the latest advances in nanoscopy technology that has decreased the entry price. This provides many benefits including, wider applications and research capabilities.

What are the benefits of using a fixed Femtosecond Fibre Laser in Two-Photon microscopy?

Written by our Femtosecond Fibre Laser specialist, Karen McGeachy,  this blog is aimed to help you understand the benefits that fixed wavelength femtosecond fibre lasers offer to your two-photon microscopy setup.

Why Custom Filters DOESN’T Have to Mean Costly Filters!

Written by our Semrock expert Toby Scrivener, this blog explores the specifications, theory and technology behind the Semrock filters and how it reduces the cost but maintain the quality. Find out how you can go from catalogue to custom, without breaking the bank.


Pharmaceutical cleaning validation, Mid-IR liquid chromatography, and chemical imaging

This brochure explores our range of novel optical approaches to cleaning validation and bioreactor monitoring, where processes can be improved to increase productivity and maximize profit, whilst maintaining good manufacturing practice (GMP).

Why is Mid-IR Light Important?

Written by our team leader Peter Collins, this blog explores the applications, optical sources, MID-IR optics, test and measurements to explain why MID-IR is so important in the current scientific environment.

Test & Measurement

Are you looking to combine your laboratory into one portable Moku Lab?

Learn more about the Moku all in one lab hardware series by Liquid instruments and discover the specifications and capabilities of the Go, Pro and Lab.

What is a Laser Spectrum Analyser and how does it differ from a Laser Wavemeter?

Written by our partners Bristol Instruments and our BioPhotonics Team Leader Peter Collins, this blog explores the difference between the two main wavemeter techniques of scanning Michelson and static Fizeau interferometers. Detailing the requirements for accurate and reliable laser test and measurement, using TDLAS as a practical example.

Motion Control

Input Shaping for Motion Control Vibration Reduction

Enabling Peak Servo Performance with Thermal Protection

By Yegor Rabets, Zaber Technologies’ Electronics Team
25th November, 2022

Autofocus a Microscope using Python

By Skyler Olson, Zaber Technologies’ Software Team
29th November, 2022

5 Motion Control Software Features to Save You Time

By Andrew Lau, Zaber Technologies’ Software Team
6th December, 2022

Advanced Hardware Setup Guide for Zaber Motion Control with Third-party Instruments

By Mike Fussell, Zaber Technologies’ Marketing Team
4th January, 2023

Zaber Controller feature: AutoDetect

By Stephen Hunt, Zaber Technologies’ Firmware Team
10th January, 2023

Selecting a Motorised Rotary Stage

By Graham Davison, Zaber Technologies’ Mechanical Engineering Team
13th February 2023

Pitch, Roll, Yaw, and Abbe Errors in Linear Motion Systems

By Graham Davison, Zaber Technologies’ Mechanical Engineering Team
7th March, 2023

Zaber Motorized Inverted Microscope Platform Review

Two of Zaber’s customers shared their experience of working with Zaber’s MVR Series motorized inverted microscope platform.

Motion Device Design Considerations for Vacuum Applications

This blog explores the wonder of the Zaber Motion Device Design Consideration for Vacuum Applications. Outlining the basics of a vacuum system and present considerations to keep in mind when gathering requirements for your application. It will focus on motion control and what is essential to achieve reliable performance without compromising the vacuum requirements.

Microstepping – Motion Control

Learn more about micro stepping Motion Control including, full stepping, half stepping, wave stepping, micro stepping and Quantization error.

Determining Off-Center Load Capacity

Linear translation stages are used for a variety of tasks but typically translate a payload over a distance with minimal lateral or angular deviation. Therefore determining the off-center load capacity is crucial to understand if the product can handle the task.

Featured Blogs

Tackling Climate Change

Learn how laser 2000 are tackling climate change with the Nanoplus laser onboard the TROPOMI to monitor air quality around the earth and identify pollutants such of ozone, nitrogen oxide and carbon dioxide.

Fighting Cancer

Explore the technology that allows IR-Hyperspectral Microscope to provide Label-Free Digital Pathology to fight cancer.


This blog explores the wonders of LIDAR and the three different methods used for a wide range of applications.
These can include windmill monitoring, deforestation measuring, surface mapping and self driving cars.