Laser 2000

Do you lack accurate spectral tools to design your fluorescence detection instrumentation?

Learn more about the benefits of using Search Light, the free online Semorck spectral plotting and analysis tool for fluorescence microscope users and optical instrument designers.
On this page:

This 2.24min YouTube video explains the benefits of using SearchLight

SearchLight™ is Semrock’s free, online spectral plotting and analysis tool that allows fluorescence microscope users and optical instrument designers to model and evaluate the spectral performance of fluorophores, filter sets, light sources, and detectors as components of an overall system. 

Other Blogs/Articles that may be of interest:

  1. Why is Mid-IR Light so Important?
  2. Engineered Point Spread Functions (PSF) for Single Molecule Localisation Microscopy (SMLM)
  3. Nanoscopy for less than £100k?
  4. Understanding the jargon of LCOS Spatial Light Modulators (SLMs)
  5. Spatial Light Modulator Applications

For more information for enquiries, please contact us here: